Change Font Size In Dev C++

  • How to change the console font size. Ask Question Asked 4 years. You can change the font size using SetCurrentConsoleFontEx. Browse other questions tagged c winapi console font-size or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog The Overflow #16: How many jobs can be done at home?
  • I need your help. I trying to change the font of texts displayed in the output of my program. I know that we can use settextstyle for changing fonts. But there are only four types of fonts( GOTHIC, SANS SERIFF, TRIPLEX, DEFAULT) available. I want to use some other fonts like Lucida calligraphy.
  • Jul 01, 2013  Changing font size and colour - Dev Shed If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut. If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.
  • Aug 31, 2010  When you try changing font size, you should first get the CONSOLEFONTINFOEX structure with GetCurrentConsoleFontEx, change the size member and then call SetCurrentConsoleFontEx. Aug 31, 2010 at 3:58pm UTC.
  1. Setting To Change Font Size
  2. How To Change Font Size In Dev C++
  3. C++ Change Font Color
  4. How To Increase Font Size In Dev C++ Output

Print colored message with different fonts and sizes in C In C/C we can use graphics.h header file for creation of programs which uses graphical functions like creating different objects, setting the color of text, printing messages in different fonts and size, changing. Jun 13, 2015  In this video, I am going to teach how to increase/decrease text size, change text font, and change text direction. Settextstyle function in C The header file graphics.h contains settextstyle function which is used to change the way in which text appears. Using it we can modify the size of text, change direction of text and change the font of text.

Retrieves the size of the font used by the specified console screen buffer.



hConsoleOutput [in]
A handle to the console screen buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right. For more information, see Console Buffer Security and Access Rights.

nFont [in]
The index of the font whose size is to be retrieved. This index is obtained by calling the GetCurrentConsoleFont function.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a COORD structure that contains the width and height of each character in the font, in logical units. The X member contains the width, while the Y member contains the height.

If the function fails, the width and the height are zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


To compile an application that uses this function, define _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0500 or later. For more information, see Using the Windows Headers.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]


ConsoleApi3.h (via Wincon.h, include Windows.h)





See also

ChangeErr i touched upon ita while back just forgot it XD.
Im running vista but getting problems.

Setting To Change Font Size

How to change the font size in dev c++

How To Change Font Size In Dev C++

847 C:UsersChazz & BillDocumentsprogexercises.tictactoemain.cpp `HANDLE' undeclared (first use this function)

848 C:UsersChazz & BillDocumentsprogexercises.tictactoemain.cpp `CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX' undeclared (first use this function)

849 C:UsersChazz & BillDocumentsprogexercises.tictactoemain.cpp `GetCurrentConsoleFontEx' undeclared (first use this function)

852 C:UsersChazz & BillDocumentsprogexercises.tictactoemain.cpp `SetCurrentConsoleFontEx' undeclared (first use this function)

C++ Change Font Color

853 C:UsersChazz & BillDocumentsprogexercises.tictactoemain.cpp `SetConsoleTextAttribute' undeclared (first use this function)

possible header file not included?
EDIT: upon including the <Wincon.h> header file (as suggested by google), i get LOADS if errors similar to:

60 C:Dev-CppincludeWincon.h `WCHAR' does not name a type
186 C:Dev-CppincludeWincon.h `WINAPI' does not name a type

How To Increase Font Size In Dev C++ Output

any ideas?