Little Snitch Os X 10.8.5

Little Snitch cannot be installed if the “/mach_kernel” file is missing. This file is an important component of OS X and its absence can not only cause problems for Little Snitch’s installation, but also for other software and OS X itself.


The /mach_kernel file is located at the top level of the startup disk and is normally hidden and therefore not visible in the Finder, so most users will never see it.

In October 2013, Apple released the OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Supplemental Update. Probably due to an error, installing this update makes the /mach_kernel file visible in Finder and therefore more likely to be mistaken for a superfluous file that can be deleted without consequences. However, deleting this file may lead to severe consequences, in some cases even preventing the system from starting.

Feb 29, 2016  hello fellow gearslutz! It has been years since I've updated the OS on my Macbook. Recently i've fallen in love with a few plug-ins and they're going to require me to update the OS to at least 10.8. Which is making me a little nervous (because I never update unless it's necessary - which means I'm now running OS 10.6.8 - which has been very reliable for me, hence why i've never updated).

Little Snitch 4.4.3

Whenever a new kernel extension is installed (which the Little Snitch Installer does) the system attempts to update the so–called kernel cache to speed up the startup of OS X. However, if the /mach_kernel file is missing, it’s not possible to update the kernel cache and Little Snitch won’t work.

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How to fix this problem

To solve this problem, the /mach_kernel file must be recovered by restoring it from a backup or by re–installing the latest OS X Combo Update.

Restoring the file from a backup may be problematic if the backup’s version of the /mach_kernel file does not match the current system’s version. Therefore, re–installing the latest OS X update is recommended.

At the time of writing (October 15th, 2013), the latest OS X update is 10.8.5. Unfortunately, trying to install this update will not work if /mach_kernel is missing on the startup disk. But the OS X update installer can be tricked into allowing the installation by following these steps while logged in as an administrator:

  1. Open /Applications/Utilities/
  2. Enter the following command and hit return (enter your password when asked):
    sudo touch /mach_kernel
  3. Install the latest OS X Combo Update

The second step creates an empty /mach_kernel file, which is enough for the 10.8.5 update to work. As part of the update, the empty /mach_kernel file is replaced with the correct one. After that, installing Little Snitch should work as expected.

Please note that simply creating the empty /mach_kernel file is not sufficient for Little Snitch’s installation to succeed.

Hey all - long time Little Snitch user, first time forum poster here.
Since I've collected quite a bit of info over the past couple of weeks, let me start with the infamous 'Too long; didn't read' version...
TL;DR: With Little Snitch installed, my Mac Pro (see specs below) will freeze randomly. As soon as Little Snitch is uninstalled, or reboot into safe mode, the machine will work fine, and the random freezes are gone. I have observed this over a time frame of almost two weeks now.
Here are the machine's specs, as reported by EtreCheck:
I've tested this behavior:
  • running Mac OS X 10.8.4 as well as 10.8.5 (both fresh, clean installs!)
  • booting any of the OS combinations above from a regular, spinning (and known to be in good working order) Seagate HD, an older but perfectly working 300GB WD VelociRaptor, a spare OCZ Agility 3 SSD, and a brand-spanking new 256GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD
  • using the original Radeon 5770, Apple's official 5870 upgrade card, and the nVidia Geforce 660 Ti listed above
  • running Little Snitch 3.1.1 and 3.0.4, as well as 3.2 Nightlies 4038-4044
  • with all 3rd party launch daemons, -agents and login items, aside from those installed by Little Snitch, removed
The result is the same every time - with Little Snitch installed, the box will freeze up at what seems like random points and times, with the UI of whatever app happens to be running in the foreground at the time freezing (*), and whatever app is clicked thereafter freezing as well until the entire machine locks up, with the dreaded beachball of death spinning endlessly. I've waited up to one hour to see if maybe it could recover from the hang. To the best of my knowledge, it cannot.
I have done my best to look through the machine's logs using, but haven't been able to find anything that would have helped me alleviate the problem. As far as I can tell, these 'freezes' produce only an initial error log for the app that begins the whole hang-up process as described above. Here is one example from my latest crash tonight, click the small screenshot below to see a larger, legible version.
(* - for testing purposes, I enabled File Sharing, Remote Login and Screen Sharing on the Mac Pro, and when observing the machine from another computer, this is the exact point of time when the machine vanishes from my LAN, no login, etc. possible.)

Little Snitch Mac

I have run extensive hardware tests using Apple Service Diagnostics (=ASD, not the hardware test disk that came with the machine), which reported the hardware as error free. I have also booted from and let Memtest run four full passes (= 16 1/2 hours), and none of the three sticks of memory installed in the machine showed any errors.
10.8.5Goes without saying that I have also tried resetting PRAM and SMC, no change.
Any help, pointers, etc. you guys can provide would be most welcome - I really don't like being without Little Snitch watching my back!